The BPM 2010 proceedings are now available from Springer. The two volumes cover both the academic part of the main conference, and the workshops help in conjunction with the conference. In addition, the proceedings of the WS-FM workshop have been published by Springer, and the industry papers will appear in a separate book (also by Springer) later in 2011.
- BPM 2010 Proceedings Springer LNCS 6336 and LNBIP 66 available now
- BPM 2010 Keynote Video Missed BPM 2010? Watch Phil Gilbert's Keynote here
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- Newsletter Daily news distributed during the conference
- Conference Agenda Conference Agenda-at-a-Glance
- Conference Themes A word cloud generated from all research submissions to the BPM 2010 conference
- Workshops Associated one-day events with focused themes held on September 13th, 2010
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- IEEE TF on Process Mining September 15, 2010
佛跳墙 账号
BPM 2010 is the most distinguished forum for researchers and practitioners in business process management (BPM). The conference has a record of attracting innovative research of highest quality related to all aspects of business process management including theory, frameworks, methods, techniques, architectures, and empirical findings. With an acceptance rate of just 14% it is one of the most selective conferences, offering high quality content for participants from all backgrounds.
BPM 2010 is offering an exciting program with a great mix of research papers, industry case studies and education reports. In addition, the conference features a dedicated demo track that showcases state-of-the-art and leading edge BPM technology and research prototypes, keynotes by renowned industry and research representatives, fireside chats with BPM luminaries and tutorials by industry experts. Read more…
The conference is framed by nine focused workshops on Monday that cover emerging areas of Business Process Management, ranging from BPM and Social Software to the question of sustainable processes. On Thursday afternoon and Friday a workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods complements the research program, while on Tuesday an XPDL day gives standards makers in the area of BPM the chance to interact. Registration starts at just $595 for the three-day conference. Read more…
佛跳墙 账号

Michael zur Muehlen, Conference Chair
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the BPM 2010 website. For the 8th year, the BPM conference brings together distinguished researchers and experienced practitioners to discuss all facets of Business Process Management in theory and practice. This year we have an outstanding 手机在线翻墙伟理网页 with experience reports and case studies from the US, Europe, Asia and Australia. The 手机在线翻墙伟理网页 was selected from a record 162 submissions from all over the world and covers both organizational and technical research on BPM. Tutorials by industry luminaries like Paul Harmon provide hands-on training for attendees, and more than 20 live demonstrations of BPM systems and research prototypes will illustrate the state of the art. Combined with 9 pre-conference workshops and an exciting social program and registrations starting at just $595, BPM 2010 offers an outstanding value for practitioners and academics alike.
佛跳墙 账号
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- The 6th International Workshop on Business Process Intelligence (BPI’10)
- The 3rd Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2’10)
- The 1st International Workshop on Traceability and Compliance of Semi-Structured Processes (TC4SP’10)
- The 6th International Workshop on Business Process Design (BPD’10)
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- The 1st International Workshop “Process in the Large” (IW-PL’10)
- The 1st International Workshop on Business Process Management and Sustainability (SusBPM’10)
- The 1st International Workshop on Cross Enterprise Collaboration, People, and Work (CEC-PAW)
- The 4th International Workshop on Event-Driven Business Process Management (edBPM’10)